Now's probably not the best time to fire off a bunch of emails.
Will this make it into the thesis?
The Danish Incident
Yvonne Rogalski failed to mind her cheese danish at the EM Saffran conference. Someone who owns a really fancy pen came along and took a big bite.
Pulpit Rock Hike
What the hell is this I found in the lab???
Who doesn't love a trophy?
Here's August getting a trophy from his phenomenal piano teacher, Mike Stambaugh, for completing his primer book. Champion of the piano primer 2015!
Lounge lizards
Home grading for the day -- I must say that it feels fantastic being alone in a quiet house for a few hours. These two idiots feel the same way.
It's a lot like the University of Sydney
Fun with Google Analytics
Blue Rocks Glacial Boulder Field Pre- Post Hike
Regions of interest & beta weights
Whole brain analysis redux in SUMA
A partiularly nice semiotics quote I just encountered
"We first produce the world by symbolic work and then take up residence in the world we have produced." (Carey,1989)
First piano recital
August conquered his demons and played his first piano recital on a grand piano in front of a savage crowd. Yes!
Concept acquisition fMRI getting some love
Here's a figure from our concept acquisition and semantic access paper. I'm hoping to get this beast out for review in a couple of weeks.
ResearchGate: The Devil is in the Downloads
Out to lunch....
This made my day.
7-year old existential podiatry question
I was driving past Temple's podiatry school last night on my way to dinner with my son. I naturally took the opportunity to explain that there are specialized doctors called podiatrists. My son asks probably the best question I could ever think of:
"Well, how do people get there then?"
Lab T-Shirt Design with a little eyetracking motif
I should have done an MBA
A Sunday morning kitchen experiment...
I love the logic of this. Cereal that advertises for 10g of protein with milk begs the question of how much protein comes from the milk.
8g of the advertised protein comes from the milk. These Don Drapers of the marketing world are geniuses. I could advertise water that has 8 grams of protein when added to milk using the same formula.
Why didn't I just do an MBA?