be on the lookout for our anosmia case study in Neurocase

The lab’s case study on language for olfactory semantics in an adult with probable congenital anosmia was just accepted at Neurocase. Be on the lookout for:

Reilly J, Finley AM, Zuckerman B, Kelly A, & *Flurie M (in press, 2021). The semantics of smell: A neuropsychological case-control study of lexical-semantic processing in total anosmia. Neurocase.

Max Flurie publishes his first peer reviewed article in JSLHR!

Sure he’s been accused of riding Jamie Reilly’s coattails, calling himself a doctor, etc. BUT NO MORE! Max just had his first lead-authored paper accepted at the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. That’s a big deal in our field. Go Max, and congratulations to his co-author, the great Molly Ungrady!!!

Be on the lookout for:

Evaluating a Maintenance-Based Treatment Approach to Preventing Lexical Dropout in Progressive Anomia

Molly Ungrady continues her world domination tour

Congratulations to Molly Ungrady on her acceptance to the Academy of Aphasia annual conference.

*Ungrady, M. M., Giovannetti, T., Reilly J. (October, 2020) Longitudinal investigation of accuracy during confrontation naming of objects and actions in svPPA. Poster presented at the Academy of Aphasia.


Mission accomplished: Congratulations to Matthew Sayers!

Congratulations to Matt Sayers on the acceptance of his paper to the annual conference of the Academy of Aphasia this October. Matt is a doctoral student with Nadine Martin in the Aphasia Rehabilitation Lab. This is Matt’s first academic presentation (of many to come). Well done!

Sayers M, Laval D, Reilly J, Martin N (October, 2020). Integrity of input verbal short-term memory ability predicts naming accuracy and error types. Poster presented at the Academy of Aphasia.

New article coming up in the Journal of Neurolinguistics

Be on the lookout for our recent paper contrasting sensory norms in English (e.g., visual salience, smell salience, etc) with functional brain activation levels for each sensory modality —

Reilly J, *Flurie M, & Peelle JE (2020, in press). The English lexicon mirrors a functional hierarchy dominated by vision and audition: Point-Counterpoint. Journal of Neurolinguistics.

Cursing paper accepted at Psychonomic Bulletin & Review

It’s on! Be on the lookout for the f^%ing amazing paper:

Reilly J, Kelly A, Zuckerman B, *Twigg P, *Wells M, *Jobson K, & *Flurie M (in press). Building the perfect curse word:  A psycholinguistic investigation of the form and meaning of taboo words. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Congratulations to our student co-authors, Missy Wells, Katie Jobson, & Max Flurie!!!

Allie Kelly is also off to PhD land

Our lab manager has been accepted to the PhD program in Cognitive Psychology at Drexel University! Allie will be working with my good friend and intellectual idol, Dr. Lila Chrysikou. Congratulations to Allie. I hope you know what you’re getting into!

Molly Ungrady is off to PhD land

Congratulations to Molly Ungrady!!! Our stalwart clinical technician and treatment administrator extraordinaire has been accepted to the Ph.D. program in Neuropsychology at Temple. She’ll be working with the amazing Dr. Tania Giovannetti.